Author Topic: DanceNode Radio 038 Digitalchild, SJ Regan and guest Randy Boyer (2007-08-23)  (Read 6970 times)


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Hour One - Digitalchild

01. Michael Cassette - Zeppelin (Original Mix) [Anjunadeep]
02. Wize - Heaven (Original Mix) [Alternative Route Records]
03. Midnight Pulse - Rule the Night (Original Mix) [Slik't Music]
04. Chicken Lips - He Not in (Vandalism Remixes) [Azuli]
05. Control 1 - The Sound (Barratt & Falconi Remix) [Bleach Feast Records]
06. Jesse Voorn - Get It Done (16 Bit Lolita's Tech Dub Remix) [Deal Records]
07. BSOD - BSOD (Original Mix) [Xfer Records]
08. Sikk - The Whisper (Swen Weber Remix) [Pinkstar Records]
09. ID - ID  
10. Julian Jeweil  - Air Conditionne (Umek Remix) [Skryptom Records]

Hour Two - SJ Regan

01. Marcus Schulz ft Depature - Cause You Know [Ultra]
02. Vadim Soloviev - Dash (Vadim's Progressive Mix) [Binary Finary]
03. Lange - Angel Falls (Cata Remix) [Lange Recordings]
04. Gabriel Lukosz - Watch Your Step (Adymus Remix) [AVA]
05. Judge Jules - Without Love [CDR]
06. Michael Dow   - Ascent [Captivating Sounds]
07. Acute - Citadel (Sindre Eide Remix) [Infra Progressive]
08. Mike Foyle - Firefly (Mark Sherry Remix) [Armada Music]
09. Ron van den Beuken - Alcatrazz (Robert Burns Mix) [Liquid Recordings]
10. Lawrence Palmer - Streamline (Activa vs. Tom Colontonio Remix) [Conspiracy Recordings]

Hour Three - Randy Boyer (Los Angeles, USA)

1. Typical - Mutemath (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla Intro Dub Mix) [Warner Brothers]
2. Phantom - Jerome Isma-Ae [Big City Beats]
3. Avalon - EnMass (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla) [Coldharbour]
4. African Beauty - Juiz Electric vs. DJ Katakus (Heatbeat Mix) [Follow]
5. CQ (Seek You) - EnMass (Randy Boyer & Kristina Sky 2007 Mix) [ASOT]
6. Formentera What - Albert Vorne (Gareth Emery Mix) [Club Elite]
7. Stemcell - Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla [Flashover]
8. Afterglow - INXS (Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla Mix) [CDR]
9. Strike Again - Randy Boyer & Hydroid [ASOT] - It's all about the music.