Author Topic: How I can stop smoking?  (Read 1086 times)


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How I can stop smoking?
« on: March 17, 2008, 10:59:26 am »
Stop Smoking - Start Living  Stopping smoking is not easy. Below are some tips which may help you to stop smoking.    1. Write a list of the reasons why you want to stop, and keep them with you. Refer to them when tempted to light up. You may wish to read a separate leaflet in this series called 'Smoking - The Facts'. This gives the reasons why smoking is so harmful and lists the benefits of stopping.    2. Anticipate a cough. It is normal for a 'smokers cough' to get worse when you stop smoking (as the airways 'come back to life'). Many people say that this makes them feel worse for a while after stopping smoking and makes them tempted to restart smoking. Resist this temptation! The cough usually gradually eases.    3. Food. Some people worry about gaining weight when they give up smoking as the appetite may improve. Anticipate an increase in appetite, and try not to increase fatty or sugary foods as snacks. Try sugar-free gum and fruit instead.    4. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) can help if withdrawal symptoms are troublesome. Nicotine gum, sprays, patches, tablets, lozenges, and inhalers are available. Using one of these roughly doubles your chance of stopping smoking if you really want to stop. A pharmacist, GP, practice nurse or Stop Smoking Clinic can advise about NRT. There is also a separate leaflet called 'Nicotine Replacement Therapy' which gives more details.        Also You can find in Google (Yahoo, MSN etc) some of this queries:  second hand smoke  not first hand smoking drugs cigarette smoking the effects of nicotine on a fetus smoking patch free ways to quit smoking smoking flax he shall not quench free stop smoking aides drug cigarette smoking the effects of nicotine on a fetus smoking flax he shall not quench no smoking in public places stop smoke