Author Topic: Emporium Festival Report  (Read 4038 times)


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Emporium Festival Report
« on: June 04, 2005, 03:01:58 pm »
Well, it has been a week since I went to Emporium.. but I promised to actually write a report... so im writing it now.


The lineup was fabulous, especially for me as a hardstyle fan; therefor I bought my ticket asap whenever they were available.

I went to the event at about 2 PM together with a friend of mine & a model... Therefor it started with Beholder & Ballistic for me, but the weather was just too good, so I 1st went to the beach and relax a bit in the water listening to the beats of Johan Gielen. He played Yves DeRuyter - Born Slippy and some other tunes which were quite nice :D Well, the weather looked a bit shitty at one point so I went back to the hardstyle area (which was a tent) listening to the beats of Deepack. LoL those guys are just extreme nutters.. cant descibe how nuts they are :P Playing a few tunes by themselves and some new tunes by Italian DJ "Activator" (aka Megaphone, Manuel Es, Alien Pulse, Knockout, DJ Smok, Spy-Kore, Ultrasonic and Tamok).

After that Showtek (Duro & Walt) were on the wheels of steel playing for only 30 min but LIVE, that means no Vinyl but all live produced... which was a real nice experience, they surtainly rocked the area :D

After that Dana (our national pride) was spinning the famous kinda 'hit' hardstyle tunes, which was just what I needed at that point. Lovely spun by our Queen of Hardstyle :D She absolutely made my day.

Max B Grant was on after Dana, ive got respect for this man. He played lots of Italian hardstyle tunes like Commander & No Good 2005. Really nice combined with wild scratches! :D

After that Super Marco May was on the wheels of steel playing some typical italian stuff as well. But didnt see much of him because I was outside getting some drinks & food (btw... 3 euros for fries ! ...expensive... and not even with sauce ->out of sauce lol)..

After that the "Anthem" of Emporium together with a small set by "Equinoxx" & "DJ Michael" (Matrixx residents).

Heres a small sample of the Anthem:

DJ Michael vs DJ Equinoxx - XXlerator Anthem

Hard Style Mix A1:

DJ Michael vs DJ Equinoxx XXlerator Anthem Hard Trance Mix B1:

After that Pavo was on the decks, playing really nice tunes... especially "Zany vs Pavo - Orgazmo" was really nice & hard pounding! :D

Orgazmo Sample


After that my personal hero Technoboy was on the decks... spinning the new "Speedwave" at 1st and after that only his own italian productions... SO LOVELY... I absolutely went wild on this DJ ... man... lovely :D... playing Tuneboy - Money Talks Bullshit Walks and some other 'classics' imo... really nice..

After that Darkraver booming some hardcore in the tent. Playing Menace to Society - Chronic Disorder which was really appreciated by the crowd. But I only could see him for about 30 min because I had to go catch the last train towards home. Fireworks at the end on the beach was absolutely amazing! :D really nice.


Crowd; Lovely Crowd! Cant say anything wrong about them, no argue anywhere or anything. 9/10
Food/Drinks; Too bad at 1 point they were out of sauce & beer. Beer came though but the sauce didnt. they could have organised that better. 5/10
DJs; Lovely DJs, absolutely the best names you can get for all styles imo. (Talking about the Main & Hardstyle Area atm) 9/10
Weather; Lovely weather for this afternoon. Sunny... Beach... Music... Lasers... Hot Chicks... What else do you want? ;) 10/10
Location; Good location. Cant say anything wrong about it basicly. 9/10

Absolutely had a blast there. And I hope the next Emporium will be just as good ! :D See you next year!

Some Videos:
Main Area:

Hardstyle Area:
« Last Edit: June 04, 2005, 08:29:44 pm by tijn »