Author Topic: Hard Bass 2005  (Read 4774 times)


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Hard Bass 2005
« on: April 03, 2005, 06:26:29 pm »
Hard Bass 2005 - Saturday 2nd of April

22:00 – 23:30 Ruthless VS Greg C
23:30 – 01:00 The Prophet VS Gizmo
01:00 – 02:30 Pavo VS Max B. Grant
02:30 – 04:00 Luna VS Technoboy
04:00 – 05:30 Deepack VS Showtek
05:30 – 07:00 Paul Elstak VS Nosferatu
Ruffian VS Syco

Yesh Yesh what a night, damn.. I really enjoyed myself ... let me write a little report. :P

The whole idea of Hardbass is 2 DJs or even 4 DJs battleing against each other, I really like this kind of DJing as the DJs must be quite skilled to perform like this. They have to know when to mix their tunes in and not to just play by your own; this requires teamwork.

Well lets start off with how I got there :P

The party started at about 10 PM, so I went towards "Zoetermeer" at about 8 PM from my home. With a little stop at "Utrecht Centraal" (NL's central point for all traintraffic) to drop some laundry we went straight towards "Zoetermeer". We arrived in "Zoetermeer" at about 10:30; we took the bus to the event and arrived at the "Silverdome" at about 11 PM.

No problems with the security *THANK GOD* just clean checks for drugs, which some people hid in their boxers (they wont check there ;)).

Anyways, we were inside the "Silverdome" at 11 PM and the Ruthless VS Greg C were spinning, I didnt really dig this cos we were not really coming for these DJs to be honest. They were playing Jumpstyle which I dont really dig that much hehe. :P

After that The Prophet VS Gizmo were on the wheels of steel, they played nice fast music and some hardstyle inbetween. Digged it at first but at the end it became more Gizmo style (fast hardcore kinda sound) which I dont really adore.

After that Pavo VS Max B. Grant came on stage. MAN! What a set, they really are such good scratchers! Max B. Grant played a remix of "My Baby Shot Me Down" which I really want! :D really need an ID on that one.
But Max was playing fast italian hardstyle which was JUST the right tempo, and Pavo putting the old dutch hardstyle records on and scratching to it as a wicked monkeh :x, at some point there was some tune where they were both scratching too... Really neat! :)

after Max & Pavo Luna VS Technoboy came on stage, and yes a wonderfull set again.. Technoboy playing a lot of new releases which really were good :D Though Luna was good as well but I had the feeling Technoboy was playing way more records than Luna was... But all those new releases are just so good, really neat.

Deepack VS Showtek were after and playing good tunes and lots of new 2005 mixes, such as Heres Johnny 2005 and Just Begun 2005 mix. They were MCing to each other too lol that was funny... "Hey Showtek, are you like ehm... gay ?" :P really nutcases. Both Deepack & Showtek have 2 members so they were DJing with 4 DJs at 1 point... I really digged it! :)
Showtek = Walt + Duro btw. :P

After that all hell broke loose :P Paul Elstak VS Nosferatu were just too much lol, BOOM BOOM BOOM ... lots of familiar tunes like Hardcore Champions, Thrillseekah & Braincracking. And of course the familiar voice "ITS MY BEAT BOOM BOOM BOOM" :P yeah, the last energy I had was pumped out of my system hehe...

Atmosphere: 8 (Good audience, of course lots of the people had drugs in their system... even saw people sniffin' up some cocaine... but hey, no real fighting people or so.)
Location: 7 (Good place for a party, but not the ultimate)
Decoration: 8 (Lasers and decoration were fab! Especially the big disco ball in the center.)
Sound: 10 (No flaw in the sound system! Really Loud sound)
Toilets: 5 (They were a bit dirty and u had to pay 50 cent for it, guess that is something that fits together -> dirty & 50 cent :P)
Security: 7 ( Good drug checks, and wallet inspection.)

Really enjoyed myself, hope u had fun reading this report! :) Excuse me if my english was a little bit shitty at some parts, I am still a bit sleepy ;)
Here are some pics to end the report:

« Last Edit: April 03, 2005, 06:39:33 pm by tijn »


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Hard Bass 2005
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2005, 06:58:22 pm »
o0o0o0o0o0o SEXYYYYY
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Hard Bass 2005
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 11:48:28 pm »
That must have really kicked ass.