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What can I do to help?
Sign the petition
Clicking the link above leads to a petition you can sign to help raise awareness of this situation on Capitol Hill. After you've signed the petition, you can send an e-mail to other people you know to encourage them to join you.
Write your Representative and Senators directly
Click the link above to write a letter to your U.S. Representative and Senator. Don't worry if you're not sure who they are -- the system allows you to enter your ZIP code to find them! We've provided a "form" letter for you to use, but feel free to write your own. The system will allow you to send e-mail or send an actual letter. Please remember to be courteous, but be clear! Let your Representative and Senators know that their constituents are concerned about this issue.
Spread the word!
Finally, please let your friends, family, colleagues, and any you know who enjoys Internet radio that without their support, there may soon be no Internet radio to listen to! Thanks!