Welcome to The Art section of the Party107 forums.
The Art goes live at 9pm EST every Friday on Party107, and every set is done live, not pre-recorded (unless otherwise specified).
Each week a new topic will be posted, usually a day or two before, letting you know the gist of what will be played that Friday. Then, after the set, a tracklist will be posted (artist, trackname, mix if applicable). A day or two after that, a download link will be posted.
"We will host your file forever for free, until it is unused for 21 days. If nobody downloads your file for 21 days, it is automatically deleted." This means that, after a few weeks, the download links will most likely not work. If you want to download something and find the link is broken, make a post - I check the forums fairly regularly (at least once a week

). If I see such a post, I'll upload the file again and edit the link, then reply that its available again.
To use the download links, click on them and you will be redirected to MegaUpload. Wait 45 secs. Then, at the top right you will see a box that says "MegaUpload Links", with an orange X at the top right. Click the X. This reveals the "Click Here To Download". Click there and you are good to go

If I think of anything else that should be in here, I'll put it here
