Author Topic: The Z Factor 008 with Zak Quiney + Peter Martijn Wijnia (sat. June 21st 3-5pm BST)  (Read 4450 times)


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3-5pm BST / 10am-12pm EST / 4-6pm CET / 5-7pm EET

1st and 3rd Saturday of each month

Yaaaaaarrrrrrr! Another week, another Z Factor. I've been quite busy so you'll be disappointed (?) to hear that my voiceovers are lacking in quantity this episode, but the music is still good! Perhaps some predictable tracks this week but hopefully some less obvious as well, from the likes of DJ Shah, David West, Nucvise and Nitrous Oxide (Mashup alert!) and a few new remixes of some old classics.

Last half hour sees a welcome to Peter Martijn Wijnia, who has recently found form and is producing some very promising records, already 'Not The End' has become one of my favourites this year and his remix of 'Heatbeat - Geek Love' and new track 'PMW pres. PhaniaX - Above Measurement' could surpass that. Listen in to see if he's included them in the mix (but it would be pretty cruel for me to tease you like that if he hadn't).



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1. Steve Forte Rio feat. Jes - Blossom (Lounge Mix) [Songbird]
2. Thrillseekers feat. Fisher - The Last Time (Club Mix) [Adjusted]
3. Nadia Ali - Crash & Burn (DJ Shah Magic Island Remix) [Smile In Bed]
4. Mauro Picotto - Ibiza Angel (Rex Mundi Remix) [Big In Ibiza]
5. Fernie pres. Venera - Oranje (Original Mix) [Aurora Digital]
6. Delerium feat. Leigh Nash - Innocente (Falling In Love) (Seqentia's Late At Night Remix) [CDR - Free download]
7. Members of Mayday - 10 in 01 (David Murtagh Remix) [CDR - Free download]
8. Kiholm - Fragile (Adymus Remix) [Neuroscience]
9. David West & Inkfish - Hello Piano (Original Mix) [Tolerant Records]
10. Off Key - Showdown (Original Mix) [Flashover]
11. Jaytech - Groove Nova (Oliver Smith Deep Mix) [Anjunadeep]
12. P.O.S. - Amnesiac [Anjunabeats]
13. Vector 13 - G.H.L.H.S. (Smith & Pledger Remix) [Algorhythm]
14. Nucvise - Lifetime [Wildchild]
15. Nitrous Oxide - Cornflake [Anjunabeats]
16. Sundriver vs Justine Suissa - Feel The Satellite (Zak's Mashup) [CDR]

Peter Martijn Wijnia guestmix

1. Peter Martijn Wijnia pres. PhaniaX - Above Measurement (Special Intro Version)
2. Rubix - Shift (Original Mix) [High Contrast Nu Breed]
3. Peter Martijn Wijnia pres. Majesta - Not The End (Original Mix) [Conspiracy]
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 11:40:17 am by zakquiney »