Author Topic: Oliver Brooks pres O.B. - Flashback EP [Borderline]  (Read 2103 times)


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Oliver Brooks pres O.B. - Flashback EP [Borderline]
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:20:18 am »

Out exclusively on Beatport: 7th February 2011
Out in all download stores: 21th February 2011

SoundCloud Clip:

Oliver Brooks has been making waves in the scene recently with his releases on Enhanced sub-label, Digital Society Recordings; Apart and Chances. With support and play from the biggest names in the industry.

Fresh from his recent outing, remixing Substate's hit Panama comes his first release on Borderline's main label. Under his O.B. alias, a full force tech trance double sider including Flashback and Lugano. An EP that screams energy and power but both still keeping an awesome uplifting feel.

Flashback has a catchy pluck with an air of old school John Askew and the style of tech-trance that is associated with the UK side of the genre; energetic, pumping beats, dark driving basslines while still keeping the stabbier side of uplifting trance.

Lugano gets it groove on with fast rolling percussion and groove fuelled bass, while the melody and vocals take you on a euphoric journey. Perfect for peak time melodic trance mayhem!

Beatport Release Date: 7th February 2011
Full Release Date: 21th February 2011
Catalogue No: BORDM007
Label: Borderline Music


1. Oliver Brooks - Flashback
2. Oliver Brooks - Lugano

Youtube Clip: Oliver Brooks - Flashback -

Youtube Clip: Oliver Brooks - Lugano -