Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Sebastian Brandt @ TranceSound Session 121 TranceSounders around the world, I invite You Saturday the 22nd of May for a special show of TranceSound Session, the 121th episode, where we do have the guests already invited, so we are having for the very first time, Alex M.O.R.P.H. from Germany and Sebastian Brandt from Helsingborg, Sweden, delivering a guest mix for the second hour. Enjoy a new TranceSound Session episode with Your beloved artists, on weekly basis, so get ready to TRANCE SOUND on Party107 !
Calendar * TranceSound Session 121: May 22, 2010 @ Party107
* Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Sebastian Brandt @ TranceSound Session 121 (TSS) 1 hour each.
A weekly show powered and directed by Cosmin Lukacs, the admin/founder (CEO) in collaboration with Djs.