Author Topic: Voyage into Trance 08  (Read 6302 times)


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Voyage into Trance 08
« on: April 13, 2005, 03:49:17 pm »
Since VIT Radio has been postponed, here is the least I can do.

The latest VIT april mix is here:  Voyage into Trance 08.

Comments & feedback are always a good thing.

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192 kbps

VIT08 - 192kbps - 1hr14mins

Alex Stealthy - Being
Jeff Devas - Everything is fine (Jondi & Spesh rmx)
Santiago Nino - Believe (Max Graham’s sidechain remix)
Starsign - Taurus
Musikman - Eden
Nikola Gala - Dark Side of the East
Progresia - After Universe (Perry O’Neil & Ozgur Can remix)
Departure - She Turns (Markus Schulz remix)
Haak - Outsider
Ross Assenheim - In the Past (K90 Remix)
Inkfish vs. Martin H. - Eye Am (David West remix)
Golan Globus - Blazer (Version 2)
