Megamix Saturday with The Z Factor and Amplitude Radio - December 20, 2008

Posted Thu, Dec 18, 2008 7:29 PM PST

Two shows go back to back this Saturday with very special episodes featuring over six hours of megamix madness!

Things get started with a special 2 hour megamix edition of "The Z Factor" with Zak Quiney at 10 AM Eastern which we are told will "leave you salivating from every bodily orifice". After The Z Factor's warmup megamix, Ant Attwood from "Amplitude Radio" takes over at noon for a 4+ hour megamix featuring the best tracks of 2008...over 150 of them! Styles will range from prog to tech to uplifting and beyond. This will definitely be a Saturday you won't want to miss!

It all starts this Saturday, December 20 at 10:00 AM Eastern / 7:00 AM Pacific / 16:00 CET / 15:00 UK!

Also catch Trance Theory with Dmitry Minakov and guest Mark Eteson before The Z Factor starting at 8:00 AM Eastern.