"Trance Generation" Debut with Ehren Stowers, Corderoy, and Gary Ramsden (2011-05-23)

Party107 welcomes the monthly Trance Generation radio show with Ehren Stowers, Corderoy, and Gary Ramsden to our monthly lineup!
Launched in 2004, a club night was created that dared to be different. Delivering quality dance music and a night to remember above profits - Trance Generation is certainly a rarity in club land. With an ethos for constantly driving music forwards - clubbers can rest assured that only the greatest, most exciting, upfront electronic party music always features. Join Ehren Stowers, Corderoy, and Gary Ramsden once a month as they continue that journey over a two hour broadcast of the finest in quality and uplifting Trance music in the world today.
Trance Generation will air on the third Monday of every month at 12:00 PM Eastern USA / 18:00 CET / 17:00 UK, but catch the debut episode on a special week this Monday May 23 at the same time.